****CERENITY BLUE CBD Infused Honey NOW AVAILABLE!!!!!****

HELP support us

HELP support us

Hello Friends,

Have you ever wanted to help out the honeybee and native bee populations in and Urban Area, but are not sure what to do? You may not be able to become a beekeeper due to time, expense or fear of bees…You may not have the space or property to plant a native garden to help participate in things like No Mow May or help propagate native bees. In that case MJD Apiary has a solution for you. In an effort to continue to provide education, help and growth to the Honeybee and Native Bee populations, MJD Apiary is offering you the opportunity to contribute to its ongoing endeavor.

What will the money donated go to?

It will help fund the existing queen breeding program that will be grafting over wintered Pol-Line Queens and other hygienic queens that are Varroa Mite sensitive (A parasitic mite that is responsible for killing most of the honeybee population). Purchasing more equipment such as beehives and frames in order to expand the pollination hives around the City of Milwaukee. It will go to help fund the current MJD Apiary’s Bumblebee relocation project that has been done for years in order to help support Wisconsin’s almost 20 different species of Bumbles. Every dollar you choose to donate will help to further education about Honeybees and also the other pollinators in the State of Wisconsin.

If you can give $5 or $100, that’s up to you. I ask of you are able to donate, please do and or SHARE this post so that others can have this opportunity to help an Unban Beekeeper in the City of Milwaukee.

Help MJD

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