Welcome to MJD Apiary

Bees....in the City?

I first became interested in keeping bees while driving and listening to a talk radio program about the decrease in honey bees. What I found interesting is that it was explained that honey produced locally helps with allergies. Prior to keeping a hive, ...

The Birth of MJD Apiary - Beekeeping in the City

Enter my garden keeping co-worker. She heard of my hobby and explained how she wanted to keep a hive in her garden to help her flowers, although, she did not want to become an actual beekeeper. She suggested that I could put a hive in her garden. The ...

Where are MJDs Hives Located?

A lot of people want to know where their honey comes from. MJD has several Apiaries (a place where bees are kept; a collection of beehives) throughout Wisconsin. MJD Apiaries can be found in Mequon, Glendale, East Troy and in Milwaukee on the ...

Where does MJD Apiary get their Beeswax?

Worker bees that are younger than 18 days old are the wax producers. A bee secretes beeswax from eight glands located on its abdomen. The bee then uses its legs to move the wax from its abdomen to its mouth where it starts to chew on it, adding saliva ...


Membership in The Wisconsin Honey Producers Association 

Rusty Patch Bumblebee

A RustyPatchBumblebee was spotted at MJD Apiary on August 29th, 2022. The rusty-patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis) was once commonly found across the northern part of eastern North America, extending south along the Appalachian mountains. It is now ...

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By appointment only