****CERENITY BLUE CBD Infused Honey NOW AVAILABLE!!!!!****

Welcome to MJD Apiary

I first became interested in keeping bees while driving and listening to a talk radio program about the decrease in honey bees. What I found interesting is ...

Enter my garden keeping co-worker. She heard of my hobby and explained how she wanted to keep a hive in her garden to help her flowers, although, she did not...

A lot of people want to know where their honey comes from. MJD has several Apiaries (a place where bees are kept; a collection of beehives) throughout Wisco...

Worker bees that are younger than 18 days old are the wax producers. A bee secretes beeswax from eight glands located on its abdomen. The bee then uses its...

Membership in The Wisconsin Honey Producers Association 

  • A RustyPatchBumblebee was spotted at MJD Apiary on August 29th, 2022. The rusty-patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis) was once commonly found across the northe...


  • Debit & Credit Cards accepted
  • By appointment only