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Native Bee Relocation

Native Bee Relocation

PROBLEM:​ These bees are solitary but live in community groups. The bees that nest in the ground will nest in groups of 200 to 300. Females burrow in the ground and raise a few brood. The males fly above the holes trying to entice a female to mate with them. Bumble bees form ann­ual colonies, so we recommend waiting un­til fall for them to move on if possibl­e.​ Most issues pro­perty owners have wi­th bumble bees cent­er around a lawnmowe­r.​ Many beekeepers will not work with bumble bees, since they do not make hon­ey and they are capa­ble of stinging thro­ugh standard beekee­ping equipment when agitated.​ I believe that the importan­ce of preserving our native pollinators outweighs the inconv­eniences surrounding working with these species.​ Relocated colonies are moved where they remain under oversight for the remainder of the season, and are all­owed to raise queens which will reprodu­ce wild colonies the following year.​ Contact us for addit­ional details and an estimate. While I realize that extermination can seem like a noninvasive approach to dealing with unwanted bees, it is not a practical solution to the situation, and I highly discourage it. These bees typically show up within a 2 to 3 week period during their spring mating season (May). They do not pose a stinging threat to homeowners. They are solitary insects but live in community groups. There are 2 typical situations that get addressed. In the ground In Buildings

Native Bees are on the decline. Out of the 20,000 species of bees worldwide, in North America we have over 4000 species (the European honey bee which is the bee we use for honey and pollination is not native to North America), in Wisconsin alone we have 500 native species of native bees including 15 different species of Bumblebees. See the link below for the interview with Beekeeper Robert McKinney.

Native Bee Decline

***Please Note***

While we are able to relocate some native bees, we prefer to allow them to remain where they are unless there is a safety concern. It is also against Federal Law to remove any Bee placed on the Endangered List.

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